Acupuncture Treatments for High Blood Pressure
and Coping With Stress
Holiday Stress Raising your Blood Pressure?
Fighting traffic, crowds at the malls, end of the year deadlines
and everything associated with celebrating the holiday season
can sometimes lead to stress, tension headaches and increases
in blood pressure.
According to the seventh report of the Joint National Committee
on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood
Pressure (JNC 7), about 30% of people with high blood pressure
are unaware of their condition and only 34% have their high blood
pressure controlled. High Blood Pressure is also a major risk
factor for heart disease and stroke. When was the last time you
had your blood pressure checked?
So what can we do to treat high blood pressure?
Evidence was presented recently at a symposium at a major Southern
California university that I’m excited to share with you.
This study showed that six to eight weekly acupuncture treatments
are effective in lowering high blood pressure. The evidence is
real and very exciting. Acupuncture can lower high blood pressure
alone or in combination with drug therapy.
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) also recommends
the following treatments for high blood pressure:
- Incorporate behavior modifications including lowering
stress (which acupuncture does)
- Drug therapy
- Increased physical activity and
- A low sodium diet
So come into the office for an acupuncture treatment that will
relax you and lower your blood pressure (and stress level!) a
few notches.
Wishing you health & vitality.
Debra Clydesdale