Acupuncture For Weight Loss
Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain with Acupuncture and
Herbal Therapy
It is possible to avoid all
those extra pounds that seem to add up over the Holidays.
For some it’s easy to
lose’s just a few extra hours at the gym - for
others it’s a yearly frustrating event.
For me, it’s now easy
to be next to a box of Krispy crèmes for hours and not
even be tempted. It’s true, I just did it last weekend &
it wasn’t just sheer will power. But, it wasn’t always
that way.
Acupuncture & Herbal
Medicine can be powerful tools for weight management as well as
for anti-aging and treating pain & PMS. Craving sweets &
gaining weight are signs that your body is out of balance. Exercise,
proper breathing, dealing with your emotions and sensible eating
are all essential, but not always the whole picture for weight
If you are seriously looking
for ways to avoid the holiday “extra bulges” and lose
weight, there are simple ways to win – eat the healthy celery
and carrot hors d'oeuvres, take a 15 minute walk 15 minutes after
you eat, or drink a big glass of water & have a small meal
before you head to the party. We have also pulled together some
"think thin"
tips to help you resist temptation and avoid holiday weight
But nothing beats the decrease
in sugar craving that acupuncture & herbs can give you. It
takes willpower to a whole other level helping you resist tempting
sweets and lose weight easily. Call our offices at (310) 663-9822
to learn how Herbal Nutrition can help you.
Debra Clydesdale